Seedrs Brand Guideline

Purpose of this brand guidelines

  • A quick dive into what Seedrs brand is

  • Basic guidelines on how to work with Seedrs brand

  • Links to where you can find resources that may help you do your task

Our customers


Range from early-adopters to High Net Worth (HNW) and Angel investors.

Types of customers

  • Fans

  • Portfolio builder

  • Institutions


Range from early-stage startups and scale-ups to high-growth venture businesses.

Types of businesses

  • Seed

  • Scale

  • Venture

What we do & our mission


We enable all types of investors to invest in businesses they believe in and share in their success.


We enable all types of growth-focused businesses to raise capital and a community in the process.

Seedrs Values

Think customers first

Our customers sit at the heart of what we do at Seedrs, and we act with that in mind.

Be entrepreneurial

We hustle to make things happen today, but never lose sight of the future we’re building together.

Do the right thing

We use head and heart to reach the right decision, balancing business realities and using instinct, experience and data to get us there.

We succeed as one team

We support and celebrate each other, especially when the going gets tough.

Brand personality











Brand identity


Seedrs Logo

Default logo and for investor side.


Seedrs Entrepreneur logo

Only use this logo for entrepreneur


Seedrs Logo Black and White

Use monochrome design when required. Please note monochrome logo is different.

Seedrs logo also has a roundel version. But please avoid using that version as the roundel without SEEDRS is not very recognisable. Only use this when space are very limited.

You can find the logos in this file location


Our default brand typeface is Lato.

  • Lato is our number one font of choice. If for some reason you are limited and cannot use Lato please use Helvetica or Arial as your fallback choices

For Entrepreneur side - Proxima Nova is used sometimes

  • In the recent time, we have been trying to make entrepreneur proposition more exciting and has gradually use Proxima Nova as part of the strategy.

  • You can install Proxima Nova from Adobe CC as part of the license. For those who don't have Adobe, please use Lato as your fallback choice.

Font size and type are different dependant on what type of work you are working with.

For web and product design, please refer to 🦄 Seedrs Pegasus Design System - Typography page.


Primary palette

These are the colours that define our brand. They are used in fundamental product components.

ℹ️ For full colour palette guide please see detail in this Figma file


✅ Do's

  • Show people in their workplace

  • Show people in a variety of working environment, not just offices

  • Show real people if possible

  • People should look relaxed and comfortable

❌ Don'ts

  • Environments should not be too busy or messy

  • Photography should not look overly staged

  • People should look engaged with photographer

  • Do not use image of people who appear stressed, bored, or upset,

⚠️ If nothing fits, please follow Do's and Don'ts to keep on brand.

ℹ️ We have an istock images account. Please find log in credential on your Keeper password account.


We have a list of custom icons that help us communicate with our customers. Here is just a preview of these icons.

ℹ️ You can find this full list of icons in this Figma file.

The list of icons is growing. If you are to add a new icon, please follow a set of rules in the Figma file to create icons to ensure that they are consistant as each other.


Illustration style was developed in 2019 as stock images and illustration sometime does not communicate Seedrs' proposition well. You can read how the style was developed here.

Illustrations should add information, providing context, adds clarity, or leads users to their next step. Ultimately, any illustration should provide a deeper understanding of the tool or brand. The illustration is a powerful communication tool, but only if you have something to say. When an illustration is simply ornamental, it can easily become overwhelming or distracting, and ultimately detracts from the overall experience of using the product.

Design principles

• It makes complex ideas more accessible

• It represents our brand - personality, voice, and platform - in an efficient and clear way

• It can scale up or down depending on the context

• Use colours from Pegasus icon/illustration palette

• We use a solid style. Outlines should only be used to add subtle details

• Visuals within should be familiar (the user should not have to try to “work out” what it is)

ℹ️ We are still constantly creating and developing new illustrations. While we know not everyone can create new illustrations easily, we are working on refining styles and processes to improve this side but not move too far away from what we have originally agreed on.

Tone of voice

This tone of voice document should guide you in how to write it right.
